Tips on how to build the secret bedtime routine for improved sleep.

Tips on how to build the secret bedtime routine for improved sleep.

"Sleep is the best nourishment for the body." - Publilius Syrus

In our fast paced life, sleep is often sacrificed in the pursuit of work and productivity. However, it is of utmost importance to realise that sleep is not a luxary, but a fundamental necessity of our physical and mental well-being. 

Let's explore how to build a mindful night routine and why is it important to do so. 


Science Of Sleep

Sleep occurs in two stages: non-REM Sleep and REM Sleep. Your sleep begins with a non-REM sleep followed by a brief REM sleep. The cycle continues through out the night about every 90 minutes.


During deep sleep (Non-REM Sleep), your body:

 - releases growth hormones leading to growth and development of the body.

- increased blood supply to the muscles.

- promoting growth and repair of tissues and bones.

- strengthening of immune system.


During REM Sleep, your body:

- performs emotional processing.

- memory consolidation - your brain processes new learnings and motor skills from the day.

- brain development.


As a result, there are consequences of sleep deprivation. Consistently sacrificing proper sleep leads to:

 - weakened immune system.

- weight gain.

- high blood pressure (hypertension).

- anxiety.

- risk of diabetes.


Crafting Your Night Routine

To get a restful night's sleep, you need to have a well structured sleep schedule. A bedtime routine includes steps towards preparing for the next day as well.


Set A Specific Bedtime

Decide a bedtime and a wake time according to your schedule and stick to it everyday. Following it consistently helps train your brain to naturally feel tired at you bedtime.


Make your to-do list

Takes only 5-10 minutes for writing a to-do list. Once you plan your next day, you won't spend time thinking about your next day tasks, when you are trying to get a restful sleep. 

Our Achieve All Notepad helps you to achieve the same. Planning a day before makes you have more control on your time.



Journaling provides you the time and space to put down your various emotions into words, drawings, poems, doodles etc. It gives you the chance to emotionally unburden yourself. It reduces anxiety and stress, provides you with a sense of relief, which leads to a better sleep.

It only takes 5 minutes to journal everyday, our Gratitude Journal has beautiful prompts to help you record all your beautiful moments of the day and provide you with a happy and grateful feeling before you go to sleep.


No Late Caffeine

Having coffee or any caffeine product before sleep can disrupt a goodnight's sleep. It is recommended that the coffee/caffeine cut-off time should be 8 hours before you go to sleep. 


Dim The Lights

Our brains are hardwired to stay awake and alert during daylight hours and fall asleep when it gets dark. Avoid bright lights after evening. It signals the body to start preparing for sleep.

It also includes turning off screens (phones, tablets, televisions, laptops, etc) atleast an hour before you to go to bed.


Bedtime Tea

Heavy meals and alcoholic beverages leads to indigestion and wakes you up in the middle of the night for bathroom which disrupts a proper sleep. Light snacks and herbal tea, especially chamomile tea or lavender calms your mind and induces sleep.


Stretch and Relax

Stretching and deep breathing helps you get relief from physical and mental tension. A simple yoga routine improves sleep quality, and simple stretches can prevent cramping.


Reading A Book

It is a common bedtime habit which many people follow. Reading books with plots which are thriller or suspense packed are generally not recommended. Reading a book with light storyline will be much better. It can promote healthy sleeping.


Prepare Your Room

Dimming lights, decluttering, turning off electronics, drawing curtains and using a aromatherapy diffuser to enjoy your favorite scent. These are some things you can do to prepare your room before sleep. When you decide to finally sleep, do not do anything but to try to fall asleep.


Pre-Plan Next Day Clothes

Set out the clothes you want to wear tomorrow. It uplifts your mood and sets the energy tone for the next day. You have one thing less to worry about in the morning which relieves you from decision fatigue.


Silence & Positive Affirmations

After a hectic day and already tensing over tasks for the next day, it is important to have some quiet time and feel positive. It is imprtant to remind yourself of the positive things in your life and empower yourself before you go to sleep. When you repeat a few affirmations from our Gratitude Journal, you train your mind to think more positively.


To conclude, get atlease 7-8 hours of sleep everyday. Prioritize your sleep and embrace a mindful night routine to unleash your full potential. In the journey towards self-improvement, a restful night's sleep is your valuable ally.

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